How to Create Your Own Internship

  Internships provide great experience whether we like them or not. The greatest benefit is that you get to meet people in the industry and network with them. But what happens if the company you really want to work for does not offer any internship programs? Or what if you live in a city where there aren’t many opportunities? Here’s some help:

Company Doesn’t Offer Internship Program

Sometimes if your dream company doesn’t offer an internship program, you have to present it to them. What I mean is that you should gather all information and pitch it to them. To do this you should:

1. Go on the website and learn about the company

2. Determine which areas you would like to assist in

3. Craft a pitch explaining who you are and what your experience is. Use this to persuade them as to why they should open a position for you. Mention things like why you want to work for the company, what sets you apart and what the logistics of the position would be.

You Don’t Live in an Area with Many Opportunities

The internet has opened so many doors for those who don’t live in major cities. Many companies offer virtual internships so you can do all of your work at home and still be able to add experience to your resume. To find a virtual internship, you can use a search engine, internship search websites like or social media.

I hope this was helpful. P.S. Don’t forget to read these:

Need help with your resume or job interview? I can help! Click here

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