5 ways to build your resume in high school

In my last post I talked about why it is ok if you didn’t know what you want to be when you are older and mentioned that, as a result, I had many experiences to put on my resume. Keep reading for five easy ways that students, especially high school students, can build their resumes.

If you are in high school like me, you probably wish there are more opportunities for teenagers to get job experience. Well I’m here to tell you there are plenty, you just have to look for them. And, I will tell you how to find them.

Do a Google Search

What is it that you are interested in? Or what might you major in at college? When you figure that out, the next part is easy. Search whatever career field you are interested in then type “internships for high school students” (e.g. I am interested in public relations so I would do a search on “public relations internships for high school students). Don’t be afraid to go to the second page of the google results, you might just find that dream internship.


If you think the only thing you can learn from community service is how to to pick up trash, then you’ve got it all wrong. You can volunteer for an administrative position at a hospital, and learn the basic skills you would need to work in an office or any type business setting.

Participate in extra curricular activities:

The easiest way to pursue your interests is through extra curricular activities. Want to be a vet? Join your school’s animal club. Want to be a journalist? Be a part of your school’s newspaper. If there’s not a club that fits your interests, start your own. Just make sure you get permission from your teachers and administrative staff.

Another great thing about extra curricular activities is that the clubs have officers. If you are elected as President, Secretary, Treasurer, or what positions there are for that club, that is something that gives you leadership experience and something you can put on your resume.

Your high school counselor:

Your high school counselor is not just for writing recommendations or  sending transcripts; they also have invaluable resources for high school students. Ask them if they know of any programs in your interest area, or any programs for people in your age group. They are more likely to recommend the more prestigious programs that require essays, letters of recommendations, etc., but those programs are worth it.

City programs for youth:

Here in Chicago, there are programs called One Summer Chicago and After School Matters. They provide Chicago youth with (sometimes paid) job experience. Many cities offer programs similar to these, so you just have look for them. When you are doing your google search, do another one on ” (enter the city you live in) programs for high school students” and see what comes up.


Some great resources for high school students are:

College Board

Her Campus (for high school and college girls)

Intern Queen (internship listings)

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